Our success story...  What qualifies us to help you?

So what gives us the right to weigh in on a better property management process...experience!!
In the beginning, I started out with one property.  Personally, I hit every rock in the road, made mistakes, and learned from them.  I have done all my own office work, marketing, communications, leasing, bookkeeping and accounting, legal interventions, conflict resolution, resident relations, etc.  I have done all my own repairs from refinishing floors, drywall, kitchen and bathroom remodels, painting, landscaping, installing windows and doors, and hiring help for the skilled trades when needed.  I’ve tried a variety of software...all of which were inefficient and ultimately created more work for me.  You get the picture.  But what I learned gave me a foundation and an expertise in Real Estate and Property Management that is rich, complete, and above all successful!  Along the way I figured out the roadblocks and an easy system for getting around them!!

Today I have built my large Real Estate holdings to include residential spaces and several commercial spaces, manage my own properties, and manage or assist in the management of countless more.  More importantly, I achieved my goals, own a successful business, have fun and make money!

So what is the key to the success?  Information, communication, knowledge and creating efficient workflows that are quick and easy, freeing myself up and maximizing my time...turning paperwork into Peoplework!!

We are helping Property Owners and Property Managers grow their business and have more time.  We take the paperwork out of property management and return Owners and Managers to the more important and more enjoyable aspect of their jobs...the Peoplework!

Ready to start having fun again and have more time...then keep reading!  I can guarantee you have never seen what you are about to read before now!!

Warm Regards,
Donna (Pixie) Brandenburg

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